L.I.N.K: An Education And Training Programme For Lifelong Learning On Social Rights From A Whole-Family Perspective
The European Family Lab L.I.N.K. programme is your virtual gateway to deepen your knowledge to better support families and children in your community.
L.I.N.K: An education and training programme for lifelong learning on social rights from a whole-family perspective
The European Family Lab L.I.N.K. programme is your virtual gateway to deepen your knowledge to better support families and children in your community.
What does L.I.N.K. stand for?
L.I.N.K. (Learning and Innovating through New Knowledge) is an educational e-learning programme which focuses on key social challenges of our times. L.I.N.K.’s educational tools and courses are based on the values of human rights, non-discrimination, gender equality, social inclusion, respect for diversity and intergenerational solidarity and are designed for contributing to addressing important challenges that modern societies face.
The program L.I.N.K. is the result of the collaboration between COFACE Families Europe and KMOP’s Education Hub. COFACE offers the program its extensive knowledge on issues related to families at the European level, while KMOP, based on its long-term experience in actions supporting children and young people, as well as its knowledge in educational planning, provides documented and modern educational methods. L.I.N.K reflects the joint goal of COFACE and KMOP to create a modern educational center aiming at supporting education and lifelong learning for a range of challenges, in which families, professionals and modern societies in general need support and continuous guidance.
The courses may follow asynchronous, synchronous, and blended e-learning methods, through all the series of educational modules that are developed. These educational modules provide learners with new skills and solutions to societal challenges affecting families of today, supporting also the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Who Is The Programme For?
The education and training courses are being developed for three main target groups:
- Families
- Professionals
- Organizations and Institutions
The first L.I.N.K. e-learning course is for professionals, and namely teachers working in any educational setting, students of psychology, education, social sciences, as well as any professional working with children in learning environments on a daily basis.
Co-funded by the EaSI strand of the ESF+ programme. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.